Brainful Leadership: How To Tackle Your Toughest Strategy Decisions
Speaking > Keynotes
International bestsellers like Kahneman's 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' and Gladwell's 'Blink' give you insight into how your brain works when it comes to decision making.
Unfortunately, these books do not go in depth with respect to practical solutions that make you successful in every day (work) life.
Your brain is an amazing 'device', but it has some particularities ... Your intuition operates by using pattern recognition. Its weighs all your values and experiences and decides very fast. Unfortunately, it is not always right!
Your rational mind, on the other hand, is very limited and slow. And on top of that, all kind of brain biases prevent you from making the best decision possible, without you even knowing it.
You'll learn how to make 'Brainful Decisions' by balancing your rational reasoning and your intuition.
How? Just ASQ:
Accept that you have biases
Strategize: decide HOW you are going to decide
Question yourself and others
You will get a model for better, faster, decision making and as a bonus ... better outcomes.
What are the "ingredients" of a good decision? Are these the same for all decision types? Do you have to use your cognitive capacities, your intuition or both?
You will get the answer to these questions by using the metaphor of a recipe. Recipes consist of particular ingredients which have to be added in the right sequence and at the right time. A certain duration can be needed for special operations like stirring or draining.
When you follow the recipe, you may expect a great dish! The same is true for 'Decision Making Recipes'. If your decision making process was thorough, your chances of good outcomes would rise a lot. By using the recipe, you become aware of the biases involved and the ways to mitigate them.
To further improve your 'recipes', it is important that you actively learn from your mistakes. To do that it is not enough that you rely on your memory. By keeping a log you can tweak your recipes to perfection.
You will also receive some sample recipes that you can use immediately.