"Profit from the Collaborative Power
of Your Logic & Intuition"
"Profit from
of Your Logic & Intuition"
the Collaborative Power
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About Hans
I love to get in touch with you!

My general e-mail address is hans@hansdegraaf.info.

You can also call me at +31(0)655772908 (Europe) or (424)644-6080 (USA).

In case you want to visit me, my office address is:

Brainful Leadership Institute
Afrikaweg 53
Assen, 9407TP
The Netherlands (Europe)
Brainful Leadership Institute is a tradename and part of Dalanca BV.
Dutch chamber of Commerce (KvK): 24185426
VATnr.:   NL851297079B01
USA EIN-number: 98-1066202

Accountnr. at ABNAMRO Bank (Assen): NL64 ABNA 0480 1087 65


Through this form, you can tell me (almost) anything. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for my website, my keynotes or my products.

If you want to book me, you can also use this form.

In any case, I will contact you as soon as I read it! And that's a promise.

Email: hans@brainfulleadership.com
Phone: +31 6 55 77 29 08
Copyright 2017, Dalanca BV
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